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Accessibly App is committed to making sites accessible for all, including people with disabilities. We are continuously improving the service we provide through our app to comply with increased accessibility standards, guidelines, and to make the browsing experience better for everyone.
The app uses the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defined requirements to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. Accessibly App is following the best guidelines and is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA.
Accessibly App is an app supported in Shopify and Wordpress environments. The app relies on the following technologies:
When a site has Accessibly App i ac-h4 installed, the website can be adjusted with keyboard navigation using the “tab” key (WCAG 2.1/2.1.1). Additionally, see the list of all provided Accessibly App features and tools for better website experience:
This feature enables users to enhance the size of the text to up to three times the original text for better text readability.
Makes the cursor bigger and more prominent. Increases the size for better site browsing.
Invert the colors of the website content. For those with decreased vision, the high contrast greatly helps to read the site better.
This feature lets users manually select from two options: to enhance the contrast of the website or to decrease the contrast.
This feature lets users update the brightness on the site. The content can either be made brighter or darker.
Users can turn on grayscale, making the website content appear only in shades of gray. This benefits people with visual impairment.
Add a supportive reading line to the site.
Convert the fonts available on-site to one of the most easily readable fonts: Helvetica.
Ability to read alt text of images. As of now, our tool has added a feature where alt descriptions for images without them are generated using Google's Vision AI. In the event that you haven't manually written these image descriptions yourself, this greatly helps people with visual impairment browse your site.
Add labels to images that contain a written description of the image.
Highlight links to make them more prominent.
Hide images on the site. This provides better site readability for people with visual impairment.
A feature that allows a voice to read the text on your site out loud to visitors.
We always try to update our services and operate in the best possible manner to benefit all of our clients and their site visitors.
We cannot control or correct problems with third-party sites, but please let us know if you encounter difficulty with any sites we link to so we can pass the information along to the site owners. You may also want to address your concerns directly to these third parties.
Omega 3 Núria Camps® es un suplemento dietético de primera calidad que proporciona ácidos grasos omega 3 provenientes del salmón, una fuente rica en estos nutrientes esenciales. Los ácidos grasos o...
Dol-No Núria Camps® contiene una formulación avanzada que ofrece soporte para la salud de las articulaciones. Con ingredientes como la glucosamina sulfato, condroitina sulfato y cartílago de tiburó...
Citrato de Magnesio Núria Camps®
El Citrato de Magnesio Núria Camps® contiene una dosis potente de 800 mg de citrato de magnesio, una forma altamente biodisponible de magnesio. Este mineral esencial desempeña un papel crucial en d...
La Curcumina Forte Núria Camps® es un suplemento con base Ayurveda formulado con cúrcuma, jengibre y pimienta negra, ingredientes conocidos por sus propiedades antiinflamatorias y antioxidantes. La...
€13,75 – €17,95
El Colágeno Plus Núria Camps® es un suplemento formulado con ingredientes clave como el colágeno, el carbonato de magnesio, el óxido de magnesio y la vitamina C. Este producto está diseñado para me...
€9,15 – €15,30
La vitamina D3 contribuye a una mejor absorción y utilización y del calcio. Favorece el correcto mantenimiento de huesos y dientes, ya una función muscular normal. Contribuye a la óptima función de...
El aceite de krill es una fuente importante de ácidos grasos omega-3, omega-6 y omega-9, antioxidantes naturales, vitaminas A y E y diversas clases de flavonoides. A raíz de aportar estos nutriente...
Cartílago de Tiburón Núria Camps®
Se utiliza de forma tradicional para reducir dolores articulares. INGREDIENTES Cartílago de Tiburón 100% puro, procedente de Nueva Zelanda. PRESENTACIÓN 90 cápsulas vegetales CÓMO TOMARLO Tomar d...
Harpagófito Mega Plus Núria Camps®
El arpagófito es conocido por sus propiedades antiinflamatorias y analgésicas, que lo hacen un producto útil para aliviar los síntomas de la osteoartritis y otras dolencias inflamatorias. Este prod...
Ácido Hialurónico Núria Camps®
Nuestro suplemento de ácido hialurónico en cápsulas contiene colágeno hidrolizado, MSM y Vitamina C, proporcionando una combinación única que beneficia a la salud de la piel, las articulaciones y l...
1 – 10 productos de 10